"Providing educated nannies, tutors, butlers & much more..."

Educated Households

"Placing educated personnel within VIP homes & Royal Palaces worldwide"


London-Based Nanny Agency

Nannies. Tutors. butlers. Palace Managers.

Our Commitment – A  team of dedicated bilingual recruitment consultants, linguists,  school inspectors and psychologists offering a bespoke service to exclusive families, placing educated personnel  within VIP & VVIP homes, high-profile residences & Royal Palaces worldwide, matching your private household needs with the brightest educated personnel in London and Overseas: the Russian Federation, the Middle East (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar…), China & worldwide.

Our expertise –  Placing the finest educated staff in the most exclusive Households in London & worldwide:  single-family offices, multi-family offices, VIP,  VVIP, HNW, UHNW individuals and with prominent personalities.

Educated Households, the private household staff agency where education matters coupled with being a London-based nanny agency, is a higher-tier household agency catering for the global élite.

Recruiting educated nannies, super nannies, VIP nannies, London nannies, London governesses, super tutors, royal butlers, house managers, estate managers, palace managers, yacht crew and much more.

Our values and ethos – Valuing our candidates as much as we value our clients.

The motto we go by: “education, education, education!”.

“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home” – Confucius.




educated households boat


Educated Households is a higher-tier household agency catering for the global élite who deems education as an absolute priority.

Educated Households is an élite nanny agency based in London, a VVIP tutor agency & a comprehensive HNW and UHNW household agency, – all under the same roof -, providing the global élite with supremely educated staff be it in London, Russia, the Middle East (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman…), China or around the world.

We place full-time educated nannies, mannies, tutors, teachers, governesses, governors, maternity nurses, estate managers, house managers, butlers, chefs, close protection staff and personal trainers within households of exceptional calibre overseas & in the heart of Central London, on a permanent live-in or live-out basis: Kensington & Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Mayfair, Fulham, Wimbledon, Clapham, Notting Hill, Chiswick, St. Johns Wood, The Bishops Avenue (North London, N2), Maida Vale, Primrose Hill, Highgate etc.

Educated Households is the higher-tier agency where education matters.

Educated Households

What we offer

Our clients are discerning clients who grew up internationally and who put a heavy emphasis on the highest standards of childcare and education when it comes to seeking out an educated nanny, a London nanny, an overseas nanny, a travelling nanny, a VIP nanny, a royal nanny, a Norland Nanny, an educated governess, an educated tutor,  a VVIP tutor, an educated butler, an educated house manager, an educated estate manager, an educated palace manager, an educated chef, an executive chef, a Michelin-starred chef, educated close protection staff or any other educated staff within the comfort of their homes.

At Educated Households, we have a clear understanding and unique vision of these specific private household needs pursued by our multilingual and high-flying clients. The corollary to that is that our team of international & bilingual consultants are perfectly aware that our clientele expects professionalism.

We strongly believe that education is a lifelong odyssey and that children should, from a very early age, be surrounded by pertinent role models.

As excellence matters at Educated Households and as we are committed to providing the best childcare and household solutions,  we are specialised in the placement of educated, qualified, experienced, talented  professionals who, – when required by formal families -, understand “étiquette”. We endeavour to only find the finest candidates who have a genuine interest in your child’s intellectual & moral development and who can offer “la crème de la crème” of their abilities both to your child’s education and to the Principals’ hectic lifestyles:

Head of Talent Acquisition
Educated Households - Welcome - London Nanny Agency

OUR Candidates

We headhunt

  • educated tutors & VIP tutors
  • bilingual tutors & super tutors
  • specialist teachers
  • SEN teachers
  • super tutors
  • teachers with nannying backgrounds
  • educated governesses
  • educated governors
  • nannies with degrees
  • nannies with teaching backgrounds
  • nannies in London

We source

  • educated nannies & VIP nannies
  • French-speaking educated nannies
  • bilingual educated nannies
  • multilingual educated nannies
  • nannies with musical abilities: Royal
  • Academy, Conservatoire de Musique
  • nannies with sports abilities
  • educated nannies with talented
  • backgrounds
  • international governesses
  • international Norland nannies

We recruit

  • traditional nannies holding childcare certificates with sound and proven experience in childcare within VVIP Households
  • Maternity nurses with outstanding credentials & with VVIP experience
  • French-speaking nurses (infirmières)
  • degree-educated Palace mangagers
  • degree-educated estate managers
  • degree-educated house managers

We place

  • board-level / C-suite executive assistants
  • celebrity assistants
  • private household PAs / EAs
  • royal housekeepers
  • Michelin-starred executive chefs
  • close protection staff
  • educated personal trainers & fitness coaches
  • chauffeurs with VVIP experience
  • (and much more…)

What our clients say...

About one of our Maths Tutors at Educated Households:
"It is my greatest pleasure to confirm that we are absolutely delighted with your tutor "O". In fact, it could not be any better; he is very dedicated, prepares our daughter's lessons carefully and always gives the due consideration required for her to grasp the concepts. He never watches the hour, instead, he commits to getting the lesson completed and ensures that everything is well understood. Our daughter looks forward to seeing him with anticipation each time. She has a (very) effervescent personality and it can wear the average person down (including me) but your tutor's patience and calm manner carries him through. The fact that he is so brilliant has earned him great respect in our daughter's challenging eyes, accordingly she is making every effort to please him and rise to the challenges. Once again, I reiterate my appreciation as I could have never imagined as a child to have had such a wonderful maths tutor!"

Mrs T., Kensington.
About our Head of Talent Acquisition at Educated Households

"Firstly Sophie, you missed your vocation - clearly matchmaker from Heaven!"

Mr. T., Headteacher (educated at Eton), London
About an IGCSE & A-level student prior to securing a place at Cambridge University

"Thank you very much Ms S. My teacher in school said that my exams were A* material!"

Accreditations & Affiliations

Educated Households is affiliated to Nanny Tax & StaffTax to assist our families regarding their legal responsibilities when it comes to their nannies & to their household staff as well as to help these employers put their staff on payroll. 

Please, get in touch with us for any further info about Nanny Tax & StaffTax.

Federation of Small Businesses